Saturday, April 30, 2016

They've All Come to Look For a Community

Probably the most talked about campaign ad in this area has been Bernie Sanders' "America". The minute-long ad, released in January, features scenes of urban and rural American life, then transitions to shots of roaring crowds at Sanders' rallies. "They've All Come to Look For America" by Simon and Garfunkel plays in the background, and does not feature any talking. Aside from some text reading "A future to believe in" at the end, it does not feature any slogans; no mentions of free college, universal health care, or even feeling the Bern. Instead, like so many of the advertisements featured in "The Persuaders," it tries to give a sense of community. No one is ever alone in the ad; all but a two scenes show people together, and even those that do not feature farmers with their cows, with the animals presumably being Bernie supporters as well. At the beginning people appear engaged and happy, but it is not until they come together at the rally that they appear truly joyful. Having found their smiling candidate but perhaps more importantly each other, they beckon to others to join the movement; whatever it is must be great if it makes people feel this way.

Although I am not a Bernie supporter, I must say this ad is pretty effective. It does not make me think that Bernie Sanders would make a better president than I otherwise would, but it is not supposed to; it just makes me want to be for Bernie. Its portrayal of the Sanders campaign as a sort of bigger movement fits well with the message Sanders has been sending for months now, and being part of a movement is an appealing thing. It does an excellent job playing on his ethos; his smile and happy interactions with supporters paint a picture of a kind, caring man who will unite people with his character as much as his policies. The ad makes you want to like Bernie Sanders as a person and become part of the joyful group of people who feel the same, and those are both things that probably make you more likely to vote for him.

1 comment:

  1. The song itself is an especially good fit for this ad and the Sanders campaign as a whole. "America" is a powerful song. Its melody is uplifting, liberating even. It summons the image of great open skies and expansive lush fields, rolling by through the window of a train. To me, the image is almost identical as the one portrayed in "America the Beautiful." But the lyrics are what really make the song a great fit. It's about two young drifters meeting on a bus, both on journeys of self-discovery, and both faithful that America, the romanticized land of liberty and opportunity, exists somewhere. "'Kathy I'm lost,' I said... 'I'm empty and aching and I don't know why.'"
    Supposedly, Bernie's revolution will afford these young dreamers a place to find themselves, and will create a country that nurtures their aspirations.
